Don’t take your home off the market or wait any longer to list it! Although your thoughts are filled with holiday preparations, you should hold your course to sell your Ventura home! Give yourself the gift of successfully selling your home because The Holidays Are The Perfect Time To Sell!

  1. Make Adjustments!

If your home has been on the market for a while, you are likely tempted to take a break. But, don’t take your listing down. Instead, utilize this slower market time to make adjustments to your selling strategy. Talk to your realtor about changing the listing price or find out if there are any minor improvements you can make to your home that buyers are looking for.

  1. Listing Moves Up!

Other homeowners will take a break from selling during the holiday season, reducing the inventory of homes on the market. With less competition, your listing will move up. As buyers search for properties, it is more likely that they will find your home during this time of year!

  1. Closing Is Easier This Time Of Year!

When the housing market is busy in the spring, lenders are also experiencing a higher volume of work. This means that the lending process moves slower. When lenders have less work in December, they can help buyers get loans processed and approved faster. As a seller, this means that closing is much easier during the holiday season.

  1. Staging Is Taken Care Of!

The holiday season means your Ventura home is filled with smells of homebaked goods and beautifully decorated with festive decor. This built in ambiance creates the sort of homey feel that you always want to have when you stage your home. It will fill buyers with feeling of nostalgia was they view your property. Just ensure that you don’t get carried away. Keep personal items to a minimum so buyers can envision themselves in the home. Also, keep the decorations simple as to not distract from the features of your home.

  1. Buyers Are Serious!

Unlike other times of the year when some people are only casually looking for potential homes, buyers that are looking during the holiday season are serious about buying. They are actively looking because they still haven’t found the perfect property or they are in need to move as soon as possible. Use their determination to buy to your advantage! You have the negotiating power during this time of year since inventory is lower.

  1. Families Look During Breaks!

School breaks, such as the one around the holiday season, are a time when buyers with children actively look for homes. They want to find something that they can settle into before school resumes. Showcase all the family friendly elements of your property to attract these buyers.

Convinced That The Holiday Season Is The Perfect Time To Sell Your Ventura Home? Give Blake Mashburn a call today or visit our website at

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