It’s time to stop renting and start buying! Renting pays someone else’s mortgage. Why not investment that money in yourself! While Buying is a major step, it isn’t as far out of reach as you might expect.

In fact, it saves you money! According to Zillow Research, renters nationwide spend 27.7% of their income on median housing costs whereas home owners only spend 17.5% of their income on median housing costs.

Need more convincing to buy a home in Ventura this year? There are many financial benefits to owning a home.

  1. Home ownership is a form of Forced Savings, ensuring that you have more money at your disposal in the future.
  2. You start building Equity as soon as you purchase your new home.
  3. Home values appreciate making it a fantastic Practical Investment.
  4. It can make you eligible for Tax Savings every year.
  5. Your Monthly Housing Costs are Locked In making budgeting and saving easier for you and your family.
  6. It is Cheaper Than Renting and keeps money in your pocket.
  7. Finally, it increases your own Net Worth. In fact, past research has shown that homeowners have a higher net worth than renters.

So now truly is the time to BUY instead of rent! Work with Blake Mashburn to help get you into your first home today! We can help you find the perfect property to fit your needs. Check out the Homes for Sale throughout Western Ventura County to find your perfect property! Give our experienced team a call today at 805-856-9350 or visit our website at