Help Sell your Ventura home for top dollar and quickly by hosting the best open houses around! Open houses are a great way for buyers to see the home in person and ask any questions that they might have. They play a major factor in whether or not a buyer wants to pursue a particular home. Have buyers scrambling to buy your home! Follow these tips for hosting a successful open house!

  1. Make it Welcoming – Although it might not seem like much, welcoming touches as simple as a nice doormat on your front porch can set a positive tone for the entire open house. By creating a welcoming atmosphere from the very start, you are showing buyers that you take pride in your home and it is well maintained.

  1. Clear off Counters – Make sure your home looks like it has ample counter space in the kitchen and bathrooms by clearing them off of clutter. Keep appliances to a minimum on the kitchen counters and put personal hygiene items in drawers or cabinets within the bathrooms.

  1. Keep it Generic – You want the buyer to envision themselves within the home so it is best to remove any personal items that can be distracting to potential buyers. Consider stowing away photos, children’s art work, and other familial items during the open house.

  1. Set the Table – Add some class to your home by adding nice place settings to your dining room table. This will also help the buyer envision hosting their own dinner parties within the space.

  1. Make it Homey – Offering a tasty homemade treat or refreshing drink as soon as a buyer comes to the open house can instantly create a feeling of home. Add some freshly picked flowers or light a mildly scented candle to add some homey elements.

  1. Don’t Hang Out – Buyers are more likely to feel awkward during an open house if the home owner is there. They might feel uncomfortable looking throughout the home or asking questions of their agent while you are there. Consider only being in the home for a brief moment or not at all when you have an open house scheduled.

A successful open house can be key to selling your Ventura home!  If you are ready to sell, Blake Mashburn is here to help you every step of the way! Give us a call today or visit our website at